JUICIES Lemonade Frz Tube

اسم المنتج: JUICIES Lemonade Frz Tube

Brand Information


In 1990, Tasman Bay Food Co. founder Brian Hirst and his clever team developed a product that changed healthy snacking forever. It was a simple idea – taking freshly pressed Nelson-Tasman apples, blending them with other fruit juices and packing the contents into sachets. Fittingly enough, the new product was named Juicies. Tasman Bay Food Co. also wanted to take Juicies to consumers around the world, so they talked to many potential customers in overseas markets. While customers loved the taste and liked the fact Juicies were made from real fruit with no added sugar, they also identified three product characteristics which needed improvement – Juicies were difficult to open, hard to bite through and cold on the hands. Thanks to some pure grit and clever thinking, a new Juicies product for export markets was developed and is now sold in 11 countries worldwide.

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المأكولات والوصفات الجاهزة

اكتشف مجموعة واسعة من المكونات الغنية بالبروتين في قسم الطهي، لتلهم إبداعك في المطبخ. توفر المجموعة خيارات وفيرة لتلبية مختلف الأذواق الغذائية وأنماط الطهي.